Let's Learn Khmer
Thursday, 19 November 2015
Thursday, 13 November 2014
01/ Hátch bral = Work out
02/ Leng kây la = Playing sport
03/ Chiêng karaoke = Sing Karaoke
04/ Mớ tu ro tua = Watching TV
05/ Heo(l) tưk = Swimming
06/ Ku kom nư = Drawing
07/ Sơ đáp chom riêng = Listening to music
02/ Leng kây la = Playing sport
03/ Chiêng karaoke = Sing Karaoke
04/ Mớ tu ro tua = Watching TV
05/ Heo(l) tưk = Swimming
06/ Ku kom nư = Drawing
07/ Sơ đáp chom riêng = Listening to music
Learn Khmer with guru Kim Heng
A/ Places
01/ Ti kon léng = Places
02/ Chơ nây sa mót = beach
03/ Brây = Forest
04/ Bo ná lai = Library
05/ Bo ná kia = Bookstore
06/ Sa rák mun ti = Museum
07/ Sul sátch = Zoo
08/ Tho nía kia = Bank
09/ Psa = Market
B/ Kitchen
01/ Te bai = Kitchen
(Te = house / Bai = rice)
02/ Om pi sa bai = Please join me (to eat rice)
03/ Tu tứk kót = Refrigerator
01/ Ti kon léng = Places
02/ Chơ nây sa mót = beach
03/ Brây = Forest
04/ Bo ná lai = Library
05/ Bo ná kia = Bookstore
06/ Sa rák mun ti = Museum
07/ Sul sátch = Zoo
08/ Tho nía kia = Bank
09/ Psa = Market
B/ Kitchen
01/ Te bai = Kitchen
(Te = house / Bai = rice)
02/ Om pi sa bai = Please join me (to eat rice)
03/ Tu tứk kót = Refrigerator
Khmer useful phrases
Salá nư a ná? = Where is the school?
Nư =Is
A ná = Where
Bòng kul = WC
Nư a ní = It is here
Lúk =Sir
Lúk srây = Madam
Som tó = Excuse me / Sorry
Mil ấy tê = You're welcome
Chót lúk = How about you?
Men hơi = That's right
Mil mén tê = Not right
Lúk chong bal chư ku tế? = Do you want matches?
Chư ku = Matches
Chong bal = Would like
Ní ba rấy nưng chư ku = These are cigarettes and matches
Ba rấy = Cigarette
Nưng = And
Lúk trư ka a vấy? = What do you want?
Trư ka = Want
Khơ nhum trư ka cafe mui keo = I want a glass of coffee
Mao pón mál? = What time is it now?
Mao pi hơi = It is 2 o'clock
Rô té plơn chênh ong ka(l) = When does the train leave?
Rô té plơn = Train
Chênh = To leave
Rô té plơn chênh mao đôp = The train leaves at 10
Kon ní cháp liêng pi ong ka(l)?
Kon ní = Movie
Cháp liêng = To start
Pi ong ka(l) = When
Kon ní cháp liêng đốp nia ti hơi = 10 minutes ago
Khơ nhum mok pi màsa mênh = I cam yesterday
Mok = To come
How to write and read Khmer
Lesson 01 - 03
Lesson 04 - 06
Lesson 07: Review lessons 01 - 06
Lesson 08 - 10
Lesson 11 - 12
Lesson 13
Tá the chau: Grangfather takes care of grandchild
Tá bây chau: Grangfather carries grandchild
Cháu scha schau ta: Grandchild disturbs grangfather
Cáo: To shave
Táo: Lion
Tao đơ: The lion walks
Lesson 14
Lesson 15 Review lessons
Lesson 16
Tá khă co: Grandfather is thirsty
Chau Tô khăm đay tá: grandchild Tô bites grandfather's hand
Lesson 17
Há: há miệng
Hớ: To fly
Sao: Key
So sế: To write
Sua: To ask
Sớ: To be foolish
Săm: To be simple, easy
Hố: To be fluent
Hau: To call
Bò bó hia: overflowing porridge
Khé sây há: August
Lesson 18
Lesson 19
Cây la: Sport
Cum lố la: Don't make noise
Cau ấy: Chair, seat
Schao láo: To be panic
Lesson 20 - 21
Nét kê hau tha a vấy: What do they call this?
Kê thướ a vấy: What do they do?
Ke thướ cau ấy: They make chairs.
Lesson 22
Bô ná kua tốs: Bona knocks on the table
Cúm po kê = Don't lie to anyone
Lesson 23
Thi đá chía chùm ngư: Thida recovers from illness
Kháo chau tố thu: The grandchild's pants are loose
Chứa: To believe
Chùm ngứ: Disease
Chi tá: Grandfather
Lesson 24
Chau Sau li schớ: Grandchild Sau carries wood on shoulder
Lesson 25
Pô pế: Goat
Pu: uncle
Nhoăm: A type of Khmer meat or fish salad
Nhô nhúa: Hammer
Chi tá bom pế chau: Grandfather sings a lullaby to grandchild
Lesson 26
Tía: Duck
Nía: at, in, on, under
Tú: Cabinet, closet
Num: Cake
Mế: Chief, leader
Tâu: To go
Tum: To sit, take a seat
Mế om bâu: Butterfly
Nía lê ka: Watch, clock
Tum pía: To chew
Tum nế: To be vacant, unoccupied
Lesson 27
Wednesday, 6 August 2014
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