Thursday, 13 November 2014

Learn Khmer with guru Kim Heng

A/ Places
01/ Ti kon léng = Places

02/ Chơ nây sa mót = beach

03/ Brây = Forest

04/ Bo ná lai = Library

05/ Bo ná kia = Bookstore

06/ Sa rák mun ti = Museum

07/ Sul sátch = Zoo

08/ Tho nía kia = Bank

09/ Psa = Market

B/ Kitchen
01/ Te bai = Kitchen
(Te = house / Bai = rice)

02/ Om pi sa bai = Please join me (to eat rice)

03/ Tu tứk kót = Refrigerator

04/Chong kral = stove

05/ Thung som ram = Trash can 

06/ Slapb bria = Spoon

07/ Som = fork

08/ Chong kơ = Chopstick

09/ Kam bácht = Knife

10/ Chal = Dish 

11/ Chal chơ râu = Bowl

12/ Mil ây ke nhăm = Have what to eat?

13/ Chong nhum ấy? = What do you want to eat

14/ Chong nhăm sách mol chil = Want to eat fried chicken

15/ Tư liêng đai sinh = Wash hands first

C/ Food 
01/ Bai = rice

02/ Bo bo = Porridge

03/ Som ló = Soup

04/ Bon em = Dessert

05/ Cha on túng chi mui khơ nhây = Fried eel with ginger root

06/  Som ló mờ chu pro lết = Sour soup with lotus root

07/ Bánh cheo = Pan cake

08/ Cha lúk lắk = Grilled beef with salad

09/ Dao hón = A Khmer style hot pot fro dipping meat and vegetable

10/ Som ló ngâm ngư = A chicken soup with whole preserved lemons

11/ Kui tiếu = Rice noodle

12/ Som ló mờ chu dun = Sour soup with a tamarind base. Includes meat and vegetables

13/ Cha lơ pứ = Grilled (beef with) pumkin

14/ Bók lơ hong = Papaya salad

15/ Pro hếch = Meatball

16/ Cha khơ đám = fried crab

17/ A mốc trây = Amok

18/ Nom banh chótk 

19/ Bo bo bánh cánh =  Porridge with thick noodle

20/ Nom cruá  = Bánh hẹ

21/ Nom ple ái

22/ Tứk kro lók = Fruit shake

23/ Bo bo som đấy khiêu = Green bean dessert

D/ Occupations 
01/ Ka ngía = Occupation

02/ Nek chum núi to clul = Personal assistant

03/ Kru chum nui = Teach assistant

04/ Pet chum cui khang thơ mênh = Dental assistant

05/ Vi svak ko = Engineer

06/ Nek vi sia sa = Scientist

07/ Nek ni bpon = writer / author

08/ Chong Pư = Cooker

09/ Pet thơ mênh = Dentist

10/ Mây thia vi = Lawyer

11/ Nek luốc ri ấy = Retailer

12/ Chao krom = Judge

13/ Chiêng cátch sok = Barber

14/ Tit sơ cho = Tourist

15/ Chiêng chư = Carpenter

16/ Chiêng lal = car mechanic

17/ Chiêng kátch đây = Tailor 

18/ Kru bòng ril = Teacher

19/ Nek som til = Beggar

20/ Ti hil = Soldier

21/ Pó lis = police

22/ Bon ná rek = Librarian

23/ Nek sai pó mil = News reporter

24/ Nek bom rar = Waiter / Waitress

E/ Weather
01/ Thít a ka = Weather

02/ Kơ đao = Hot

03/ Kro jek = Cold

04/ Hớp = Stuffy

05/ Sro lá = Clear

06/ Áp = fog

07/ Prơ (l)= Snow

08/ Pliêng = Rain

09/ Mil po pok chênh = Cloudy

10/ Pius = Storm

11/ Ranh té = lightning / Thunder bolt

12/ Thơ ngây lò o = Nice day

13/ Mil thơ ngây = Sunny 

14/ Tá thít a ká thơ ngây sa ấy dang mék đai? = How's the weather tomorrow? 

15/ Sa ấy bro heol pliêng = Tomorrow might rain

F/ Animal
01/ Sátch = animal

02/ Kon đô = rat

03/ Kô = Ox

04/ Kla = Tiger

05/ Tol sái = Rabbit

06/ Niếk = Dragon

07/ Pua = snake

08/ Se = Horse

09/ Po pe = Goat

10/Sva = Monkey

11/ Mon = Rooster

12/ Chơ ruk = Pig

13/ Kro pớ = Crocodile

14/ Tao = Lion

15/ Chơ ma = Cat

16/ Chap = bird

17/ Tơ rây = Fish

18/ On đớk = Turtle

19/ Rui = Fly

20/ Tia = Duck

21/ Pinh piêng = Spyder

22/ Kon kep = Frog

23/ Ka ngál = Goose

24/ Chơ kai = Dog 

G/ Transportation
01/ Lál = car

02/ Mô tô = motorcycle

03/ Rô tet plương = train

04/Tuk = Boat

05/ Ka pa(l) = ship

06/ Sít lô = Pedicab

07/ Tak si  = Taxi

08/ Dun ho = Plane

09/ Bớk = To drive

10/ Chi = To ride

11/ Som chul khơ nhom tư = Please take me to...

12/ Bót sơ đám = Turn right

13/ Bót schoén = Turn left

H/ Hobbies
01/ Hátch bral = Work out

02/ Leng kây la = Playing sport

03/ Chiêng karaoke = Sing Karaoke

04/ Mớ tu ro tua = Watching TV 

05/ Heo(l) tưk = Swimming 

06/ Ku kom nư = Drawing

07/ Sơ đáp chom riêng = Listening to music

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